Somama 苏嫲嫲 Soup Pack 汤料包 6+
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- RM 32.50
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- RM 32.50
- Regular price
RM 33.00
七款儿童营养汤, 适合不爱吃饭, 挑食, 睡不安稳, 容易生病, 瘦瘦不长肉的儿童。 适合6个月以上的宝宝饮用
Seven nutritious soups for children, suitable for children who don’t like to eat, are picky eaters, have restless sleep, are prone to illness, and are skinny and don’t gain weight.
精选优质材料 Selected high-quality ingredients
1. 天然食材 Natural ingredients
2. 无色素 No coloring
3. 顶级食材 Top ingredients
4. 无防腐剂 No preservatives
5. 无添加剂 No additives
6. 无硫磺 No sulfur
产品信息 Product Information
1. 淮山麦芽汤料包 Yam Malt
消暑除热, 化肉谷之食积, 对难消化, 胃胀气 有一定效果
It can relieve heat and eliminate heat, and it can also help to eliminate food stagnation caused by meat and grains. It has a certain effect on indigestion and bloating.
2. 玉竹百合汤料包 Polygonatum Odoratum Lily
清热除烦, 降心火, 祛湿健脾胃, 润肺, 适合出汗多, 咳嗽。
Clears away heat and relieves restlessness, reduces heart fire, removes dampness, strengthens the spleen and stomach, moistens the lungs, and is suitable for excessive sweating and cough.
3. 虎乳菌润肺汤料包 Tiger Milk Mushroom Lung Nourishing
可以滋补强壮, 化积, 虚寒型顽咳, 小儿咳嗽, 哮喘油疗效。
It can nourish and strengthen the body, eliminate accumulation, treat stubborn cough due to deficiency and cold, children's cough, and has therapeutic effects on asthma.
4. 鸡内金山楂汤料包 Membranes Of Chicken Gizzards Hawthorn
健脾开胃, 消食化积, 适合胃不好, 厌食, 积食。
It strengthens the spleen and appetite, helps digest food and eliminates accumulation. It is suitable for people with poor stomach, anorexia and food accumulation.
5. 儿童四神汤料包 Children's Four Herb's
健脾养胃, 清热祛湿, 脾虚, 气虚, 湿重, 脾虚食少, 消化不良。
Strengthen the spleen and stomach, clear away heat and dampness, spleen deficiency, deficiency, dampness, spleen deficiency, poor appetite, indigestion
6. 雪梨无花果汤料包 Snow Pear Fig
止咳平喘, 宣降肺气, 润肺化痰
Relieve cough and asthma, promote descending moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm
7. 虫草花玉竹汤料包 Cordyceps Flower Polygonatum Odoratum
清热, 止咳, 适合消化不良, 预防疾病, 容易上火, 烦躁
Clears away heat, relieves cough, suitable for indigestion, prevents diseases, easily gets angry, irritable
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